Monday, December 11, 2006

Pam's Twenty-Faux Birthday!!

So Pam's birthday isn't until Wednesday, but we all decided that Saturday was the best possible night to celebrate seeing as how we all had the night off. Nadine, Allie and I started off at Pam's to start the festivities. Daisy was, of course, on hand to welcome us (SPOILED!!). After a lot of wine and a lot of sushi, our driver picked us up and packed us in to drive us downtown. The rest of the night was a blur of laughter and dancing.

Pam, Happy Birthday. You're wonderful and your Clams love you!!

It's not a true night out without a little tongue from Allie

Yay, spa day!! Pam deserves it! Posted by Picasa

Pam was clearly moved by her gift from the Clams.

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Something about Pams place just makes you want to DANCE!!

Nikki's Bump Progression: Week 13 Posted by Picasa

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Pam Does Flygirl

Reminiscent of Jennifer Lopez, circa 1992.

This is actually her coat. Seriously.

Busting a MOVE!! Sort of like the Running Man meets Roger Rabbit.


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Saturday, December 02, 2006

First Pictures of Ethan Conacher
(soooooooooooooo little! soooooooooooo cute!)

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