Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fong Does Wang

My dear, wonderful friend Vanessa Fong is getting married. Ryan finally stepped up after 9 years and is going to make an honest woman of her! Seriously, though. I'm absolutely thrilled beyond words for them. They are each other's "lobster", and will definitely live a long and happy life together.

Another exciting piece of news, I have been asked to be a bridesmaid! Since Fong is my first friend to take the plunge, I'm honored to have my first time (of probably know what they say about being a bridesmaid) be for her.

Last weekend, I - along with the rest of her wedding party (Barb, Sarah, and her sisters Leslie and Miranda) - accompanied Fong as she tried on wedding gowns! AAA!

We started off at Avenue in the Four Seasons for lunch, where we ate over-priced sandwiches a stones throw away from Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel. From there we went to Justine McCaffereys where we put Barbs score cards to good use and I blubbered like an idiot.

Then came Wang. Vera Wang.

We arrived at 5 on the dot. However, the older European lady in Chanel informed us that her previous appointment was going late asked us to come back in 15 minutes. We went back in 20 and were scolded for being late, "because now eet eez five tventy and vee close at seex."

Vanessa looked beautiful. Ethereal. Like a virginal goddess. I don't know if anyone has seen a Vera Wang wedding gown in real life (I never had before), but they are so unbelieveably exquisite that I can't even describe it. There are no words. I wish I could have snuck in a picture, but the one above is all I could pull off.

They get married in June, and I'm already psyched to tell you all about how it goes.

Congratulations, Vanessa and Ryan!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 28, 2006

More fun pics while I figure out what to post next...

Catherine, Alicia, Nadine, Me and Allie (sans tongue) . This was taken earlier in the evening, just as things were getting started.

After leaving 5 Doors North, I realized that my fabulous new 4 1/2 inch stilettos weren't going to comfortably get me to our next destination.

Michelle, being my instant new best karaoke friend, graciously offered to carry me there.

I'm convinced my blisters would be oh-so-much-worse if it weren't for her gallantry. Wait...can a girl be gallant? Hmmm.....

I promised Allie I'd post some pics of her without her tongue hanging out.

So here is one of my favourite of her and Nadine.

And just so you know, boys...these two hot ladies are DOCTORS!!!

Yep, I know. It makes them just that much hotter knowing that there are brains behind the beauty.

Another great energy pic. We may look like a bunch of drunken sorority girls...but the wine in our hands suggests we are so much more civilized than that.

Drunken Upper-Class Socialites, perhaps?

Upper East Side REPRESENT!!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today was a day of rest and relaxation. It was wonderful. Laying on the couch and snuggling with Billy. Then Nadine called. She was quite hungry from the night before and decided to come over to bake a cake.
So domestic. She'll make a wonderful wife one day.

Devils food cake with French Vanilla icing.

Absolutely the best thing ever made in my kitchen.

I couldn't help myself. I actually took a big bite.

But now I have a delicious cake in my kitchen and I don't know what to do about it. I'm hoping I can resist long enough to take it to work tomorrow and let the wolves demolish it.

It really is the best cake ever.

Thank you, Nadine. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

For those (2...maybe 3) of you trying to leave comments, I have now changed the setting and you should now be able to do so. Sorry for the inconvenience.

And can I just say...Grey's Anatomy could possibly be my favourite show ever, blowing My So-Called Life out of the water. It's hard to judge right now seeing as how my emotions are all exposed and raw, having just watched the final episode of season 2. As the weeks progress I'll be able to think about it more clearly.

Heather, you look absolutely amazing but have every right to be uncomfortable and complain. It's truly the only time in a womans life when she has the absolute right.

Embrace it!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

So last night was girls night out. And boy...did we go out. We started off at 5 Doors North, one of my favourite places in the city for great food, great wine, great service and great times all around. After the 10 of us polised off our 10 bottles of wine, we decided the next logical step would be to drag our drunken, giggly arses to the karaoke dive down the street. It's there that things really picked up...and then quickly crashed and burned.

In a nut shell - we took over the joint and then were robbed of the $25 we left on our table for our waitress. Don't worry though...Catherine magaged to catch the theif red handed. And me being me, I made sure to give him a piece of my mind.

I had to be restrained and he was booed out of the bar. Excellent.

Anyway, this montage of photos I like to call "Allie Loves her Tongue Very Much."

Look closely, this one is different from the one above (the falling strap is a clear indicator that this one was taken after a few cocktails).
I love this picture. It pretty much sums up how we all felt last night...

...totally awesome!
Not only does Allie have an appreciation for her tongue, but it appears she also loves another...ahem...couple of things about herself.

Love it.

Notice me ripping it up in the background. Oh yeah. Express yourself...

I'm not sure how to post more than one pic at a there are plenty more to come.

Good times. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wow...I'm a little overwhelmed! I came home from a long night at work and began my usual before bed routine: pour a big-ass glass of wine (still trying to phase out my pinot noir stage), put on my jammies, feed my overweight-but-still-always-hungry cat Billy, turn on my computer and check "my blogs". Elderly ladies have their "stories", I have my blogs. And of course, Heather's is always my first.

Now, I had an idea that she may mention something about me joining blog-land, but I wasn't expecting the build up I was greeted with.

I want you all to know that my life probably isn't half as intriguing as she made it out to be, but damn it...I'm going to try to give you the goods!

On that note...I bought an area rug today.

This may not seem like the most exciting thing EVER, but it's a pretty big step in what I've started to call, "the creation of Me".

In July I moved into my own place. For the first time in my life, I have no one to answer to (except said cat, but that hardly counts really). No roommates, no shared cable bills, no offering to throw someone else's darks in the wash with mine. It's just me. And because it's just me, I have very little to show in my place, except for a couple of couches, a toaster and my bed. When I moved in, I realized that I had previously relied on roommates to fill the necessary voids, specifically being a television and a computer. I had never needed to make these "major" purchases, seeing as how I managed to pick people to live with who already had them on hand. How convenient, I know. Slowly but surely, I bought myself a TV (and a very sweet one, I might add) and most recently a laptop. These things I bought purely because I enjoy being able to watch 90210 reruns and have the whole blog-addiction thing. Not because I wanted to create any sort of home-like atmosphere, but because I felt like I needed them to survive. Fair enough.

Chances are, if you're reading this as a link from Heather's blog, you probably don't know me very well. So here it is. I never thought I'd be "settling down" in one place before the age ot 30. Seriously. I always had grand dreams of travelling the world, dropping one job and flying to Belize on a whim, only to come back to my home base of Toronto and get another job so I could save up and fly to Egypt the next month. You get my point. I never wanted to be attached to any one place for too long, because there is so much more of the world to see! Not that I've ever actually dropped a job and gone on an international adventure, but there's always time! It's really besides the point.

My point is this: buying an area rug for my living room suggests that I will be needing it's plush comfort during the long winter months ahead, and that because I "need" it I won't be leaving here for long periods of time any time soon. It may seem like a stretched rationale, but it's what's been blubbering through my head ever since I signed the credit card receipt.

However, I suppose you could argue that I "settled down" once I got the cat.


(In all fairness, it is getting very cold here very fast. I could see my breath tonight. The cozy rug will be a lovely thing in the morning. I'll take a picture of it when I figure out how to post pictures.)

And there you have it. My day, and my thoughts on my day. I promise the rest of my posts won't be so structured. I had a very indepth conversation with my girlfriends tonight, none of whom have subscribed to the blog thing. They were trying to piece together what exactly I was going to give and get out of it. So I promised to make them major players in all of my stories. Using aliases, of course. They were immediately excited. Doesn't take much.

Kez, you've stepped up to the you must deliver. I'm counting on you! Don't disappoint.

And to my fair and (hopefully still) chaste Hawaiian Queen: I know he looks like a prize, with his rippling muscles and sweet euro vibe. But think about what he'll look like ten years from now. Gravity has a way of getting us all...plastic or not.

P.S. The above pic is of me (far right) and my girlfriends mentioned above. Most tales of debauchery will involve them, whether they like it or not.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"And the Lord said..."

So here I am, 6 months later, sitting in front of my shiny new laptop trying to figure out how to use this effing blog to my advantage. My dear friend Heather Anders suggested to me on her visit those many moons ago that I jump on the bandwagon and "start blogging"!

Which begs the question: what does it mean, "to blog"?

Now, I could go into a long and boring diatribe about blogs and myspace and how they're contributing to the degeneration of human contact/communication as a whole, blah, blah, blah. But I figure that people really don't want to hear Beth rant on about it...again. So I'll keep this short and relatively sweet.

Being a HUGE fan of celebrity gossip sites (,,, etc.), I always thought that blogging was something to do in your downtime, where you'd post unflattering pictures of celebrities without makeup or fighting paparazzi on a cleverly named site. "What a sad and shallow existence these people lead," I'd giggle to myself as I sipped at my over-sized glass of delicious pinot noir.

Then Heather introduced me to her blog ( It was here that I was finally shown the exact meaning of blogging. This site allows me to follow along in her day-to-day life in London, a place that feels a million miles from where I am in Toronto. With her (almost) daily updates on what she's been doing and where she's going and how her baby bump is progressing, I am now finally able keep up with her without bombarding her with emails (which I'm actually quite shit at). It was an amazing moment. Heather was able to show me that blogging isn't just for "outing" former boy-banders or advertising Jessica's new line of hair weaves. It's so friends can stay friends and family can stay connected, despite how many millions of miles apart they may be.

So, that being said, I am now a blogger. Officially. I hereby solemnly swear to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible, as long as I get a little help from my friends....

....and by "help" I mean a little kick in the ass every now and then.

Pictures will come with time. I'm not Bill Gates, and the Great Wall of China wasn't built in a day.

Oh, and I'm not going to personalize my font. This one will do just fine.

Well, I suppose that's it for now. I'm exited to share with you, my friends.

Until next time...

...don't do anything I wouldn't do.