Sunday, April 29, 2007

Even though...

I find it kind of cheesy when people say, "I've come to a cross-road in my life".

So it's understandable that I'm almost embarrassed to say, that I have come to a cross-road in my life. I'm at the cross-road and before I choose which way to go, I've decided to take a detour.

At 3pm today, a lovely woman named Naomi is coming to take posession of my apartment and my cat for the summer, leaving me without a home until the beginning of September. This is happening because at 3am tomorrow morning, Sarah Newman (my partner in crime in Tulum) and I are heading to the airport to go back to Mexico for 6 weeks.

Yes, I will be in Mexico for 6 weeks. Please don't hate me.

You may be asking yourself, "why the heck is she going back to Mexico??". Many reasons are probably running through your head, like I'm running away from my problems and frustrations, or that I'm going for a man.

Neither of these are true. Not running away, and DEFINITELY not going for a man.

I'm going for the exact opposite reason. I'm going for myself. After the recent and tragic death of another friend, I feel the need to go out into the world and to live my life as full as I possibly can. And the sad truth is, I'm not happy here right now, and I so desperately want to be happy. And I know that stepping away from my comfort zone for a while will help me gain a better perspective on my life, and make me appreciate what it is that I have when I get back.

I love my family. I love my friends. This is not about leaving them behind or taking a break from them in any way. In fact, I will miss them all very much during this time. My poor mother is having a hard time understanding why I'm doing this. Even though I've explained to her that I"m not going forever, that I'll be back before she knows it, she's scared that I'm making the wrong choice. And if she reads this, I hope it helps her and comforts her just that little bit more.

I mean, it IS ONLY 6 weeks. I'll be back for Fong's wedding and Nikki's baby. And after that I travel to London (England, not Ontario) for 2 weeks to visit the amazingly wonderful Heather and her family (FRED!! YES!!!), and the always charming and hilarious Kieran. It's going to be a great summer.

I don't know how often I'll be able to update. I'm not promising anything, except that I'll try.

And so it begins. I'm off. See you when I get back.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

If you know what's good for you... will watch this hysterical digital short from my man, Will Ferrell.

You may have already seen it, since it's been circulating the web. If that's the case, then watch it again!!

And for those of you who will be watching it for the first time, you're welcome.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sick and bored.

Being sick and bored at home with little medication available can make you pretty crazy. So I figured I'd bide my time with a little blogging action.

I realized that I never posted pictures from my fabulous surprise birthday party this year.

Sarah, Vanessa and Kendra had me utterly convinced that they were taking me to dinner. So I didn't eat a thing all day and became more and more excited as the minutes ticked by to gorge myself on delicious international cuisine and bottle after bottle of fancy wine.

Once we parked Vanessas car and were about to jump into a cab to take us the rest of the way, I was violently blindfolded by Sarah. They threw me into a taxi and drove me around for a while, saying words like, "shooters" and "strippers"...and "Port Hope". All I could think was, "wherever they're taking me, I hope to GOD there's food."

Eventually we arrived at our destination. They had rounded up my clams from Reds and surprised me by renting a private karaoke room on Bloor West! I honestly was not expecting all of my girls to be in one room together like that, and I seriously never thought it would be for me!!! It was a great night, and I love my girls so much for that. I'm so lucky.

Everyone got involved! Even Newman (with a little coercion). And as for Pam...I will say, that for a woman who claims she can't sing...MAN, does she like to perform!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm a Citizen of the World, Dah-ling...

Well, I will be for the summer anyway. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I booked my flight to Mexico this morning, and thought, "while I'm at it I may as well book my flight to London as well."


As it stands, I leave for Tulum at the end of this month - April 30th - and return in time for Fong's wedding on the 11th of June. One and half months in paradise! I then spend the next few weeks chilling out in the T-Dot and fly out to London on the 7th of July. I'm going to spend 2 weeks there visiting my dear friends Heather and Kieran, and I finally get to meet Heather's new family!!

After hearing so much about Dave over the past couple of years and seeing his pictures on Heathers blog, I have a feeling it'll be like meeting a celebrity. ANd then of course there's little Fred. Oh GOD!! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to be meeting Fred! It'll be heaven, I'm sure.

So, by the end of the summer I will be a broke, homeless bag lady...but a broke, homeless bag lady with a wicked tan and amazing tales to tell.

I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. More nervous about my finances than anything else, but that's normal. This is going to be one of the best summers of my life, and I plan on taking you all along for the ride...

...via my blog, of course. I didn't mean that literally.