Monday, March 08, 2010

A Place Holder.

I haven't been feeling like myself lately.

I'm not sure what it is exactly, if it's a lack of mental stimulation or perhaps even something as simple as diet and exercise. But something just feels....missing.

I'm having a hard time being inspired to stick with this blog, which is a real bummer because I started off this year full of optimism, really looking forward to keeping it up to date with my thoughts.

And this lack of inspiration, it's seeping out into my personal life. I don't feel like I'm much fun to be around these days, like I'm not smiling and laughing as much as I used to. Which is INSANE, because I have a happy, healthy family, wonderful friends, a loving man who puts up with my crap...

I'm not going to go on and on about this, because I drive myself crazy with it every day - the thoughts of "why?" and "how?", and "what can I do to get myself out of this funk?" Because that's all it is, I'm sure. I hope. That horrible "funk" people fall into sometimes. I'm not looking for sympathy. Not looking for a quick fix or any sort of Inspirational Speech.

What I'm asking of you, Dear Fellow Blogger and anyone else who reads this silly site, is for your patience. I need some time, so I regroup and try to regain some sort of control over my thoughts, and to figure out where I can draw some much needed creativity. Maybe I'll take a class of some sort. Pottery, anyone? Something - ANYTHING - to get the ol' juices flowing.

This is NOT the end. I can promise you that.

And who knows? Maybe this self-exile will be what I need to kick-start the Next Chapter of Buffy.

In the meantime, I leave you with this funny video from the Great Jimmy Kimmel.


...and I'll see you all on the other side.
