Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interlude: Happy News!

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate The Al's on the birth of the gorgeous Stella Elizabeth.

Female-Al is a member of the uber-exclusive blog family I belong to, and who I have only met face-to-face another lifetime ago in Australia. She and her husband Male-Al live in Macau, and her blog is sleek and exotic, just how I imagine their life is there!

They have the most amazing adventures together, all the while sharing their infectious, movie-star worthy smiles with family and friends as they go.

Their love for each other has spanned over a decade, and now they have little Stella to share in all the wonder their world holds.

So here's to your beautiful family, Al's! Such a joyous time! May you be blessed and full of love from here to kingdom come.

With all my heart,


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interlude: Glenlake Avenue.

When I first met Nat, he was living on the 33rd floor of a condo building, which looked south right over the lake. On a clear night, you could see the sparkling lights of New York State across the water. On hot, stormy, summer evenings, we would sit on his balcony and watch the lightning exploding all over the sky. It was a special place, and I was so lucky that after only a few months he asked me to move in.

It was a special place...but it was always his place.

I moved my clothes in, and not much else. There wasn't any room for me to bring any "stuff". We acquired things over the last year living there: he bought me a fantastic knife set, and how can we forget THIS awesome gift?!

Even though we had "stuff" together, always still felt like it was his place, not ours.

About 2 months ago, we were faced with a reality that would change all that.

His landlord of 6 years decided she was going to sell the condo, and that meant we had to move.

And move we have.

I would elaborate more on the annoying and sometimes traumatizing experiences we had whilst looking for a new place, but since we are fresh in our new pad and there is some serious unpacking to be done, I have to make this brief.

We moved to an area of Toronto called High Park. It's about a 30 minute transit-commute from the downtown area where we work, but it is worth every minute spent on the smelly subway.

We are on the top floor of a newly renovated house. The neighbourhood is lush and green, quiet and safe. It is a real community, rather than a block of towers sitting ominously at the base of the city.

There is life here. I can hear the birds singing. There are children playing down the street. The branches of the big tree outside my window are being tickled by the warm wind. There is a sense of calm. It is wonderful.

I have moved quite a bit over the last few years, but the reason this place is the most special is because this is where we will live when we get married. It is our Matrimonial Home. This is where we will start our new life together.

It is our home.

Here are some pictures I just took with my blackberry. Forgive the mess, hopefully it will all be undone soon :)

Our cute bathroom. You don't see these old clawfoot bathtubs anymore.

The kitchen. Amazing amount of gorgeous counter-space under all of that stuff.
And check out the storage! BANG!

This orchid is in its second bloom. We killed it, then left it, and it just recently came back to life.
My mother thinks it is a very good omen for us.
I do too, which is why it gets prime real estate in the apartment, right in front of the window by the sink in the kitchen with the gorgeous breeze coming through.

Nat setting up our "home entertainment system".
Let's see how long this takes....

The bedroom window. I wish you could feel this breeze.

We found a fabulous local pub called The Loon.
We sat and had a couple and enjoyed the afternoon together in our new neighbourhood.

So far, so good.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Starting From The Top.

Now that I've chosen The Dress (said with little jumps, clapping my hands and squealing with glee), it's time to ACCESSORIIIIIZE (said dramatically with big eyes and jazz-hands)!

Or at least time to start THINKING about it.

Most of the Accessories won't be decided upon until The Dress has been delivered and I've tried it on again a few of times to get a feel for how I want the "whole package" to look, although I already have an idea :)

There are lots of areas to cover (literally): Shoes, lingerie, jewelery, handbag, shawl/scarf, garter...wait, does that count as lingerie?

In anticipation, I figured it would be a good idea to start from the top and work my way down so I am not overwhelmed with only a couple of months left to decide. THAT would make me every bridesmaid's/wedding planner's worst nightmare. Trust me.

Everyone else, please scroll down.

Now. Figuring out the appropriate hair and hair accessories all depends on one's The Dress. Since I have no intention of posting a picture of my actual The Dress due to potential snooping fiancee's, I will have to paint a basic image for you:

Strapless. Sweetheart neckline. Cinched waist. Slight poof. Limited/No beading. Pockets.

You get the idea.

This decision is making me a bit nervous. It is, I feel, the Icing on the Cake. And if done incorrectly I could wind up looking like a Poom-Poom Patty, or some chavvie teenager who doesn't know class from her ass.

Below are my Top 5 hairstyles. I thought I would start from there then move onto hair piece/veils.

Any feedback you have is much appreciated.

This one I feel is very "me". The tousled, slightly messy hair down.
It would allow me to have either a veil or a pretty clip, like the one the model is wearing.
Although this one could be a bit dramatic, part of me would like something a bit more....classic.
Maybe this could this be done with a sleek, elegant head piece? Hmm....

I like this twisted ponytail look. Not sure about the poof on the top of the head, though.
I think my dress has enough poof as it is.

Very pretty. Very elegant, old Hollywood, Veronica Lake.
Again, could wear a veil or a chic, faux-flower on the one side.
Since I have a LOT of hair I'd have to trim it down a bit. But I think this could be very lovely.

This one is currently my favourite. It would show off my neck and shoulders, and give me a mature elegance that - let's face it - I just don't have in my everyday life.
This would be a bit tricky to work with a veil, so if I went this direction I'd have to figure out something just as classic and polished to add to it.

This one appears to be sort of in between the first one and the third one.
A bit less messy than the first, but a bit more tousled and relaxed than the third.
I feel like if I went with this one, I wouldn't be worried about anything coming loose throughout the night. And even like I could do it myself.
Which then makes me think that it's not that special if I'm able to recreate it on my own.

Now for veils/headpieces. There are a few different directions I could go, and again have chose my Top 5 looks:

Aside from the crystal detailing, I love this one a lot.
I like the length, and how it has some body to it, how it gathers at the top then cascades down.
It also looks like it could work with any hairstyle, whether I wear it down or tied back.

When trying on dresses, this is the length of veil the salesladies would put on me so I could see "the whole picture". And it worked. It is very classic, and would be lovely and flowy in the wind....could make for some really cute pictures :)

Now with this one, I wouldn't have the blusher in my face. I would push it back, creating sort of a halo-like effect. What I like about it is it's like a hair piece and a veil, all in one.
With the pretty flower at the back keeping it in place, I think it's a very pretty look.

Can anyone say DRAMA! I feel like this one screams it! And in the absolute BEST possible way :)
It's a veil on steroids, but has the illusion of being a big flower...I think it's VERY fun, but don't know if I would be brave enough to pull it off!

I think that I love this one the most so far. Similar to the first one, it's shorter and tapered at the back. So you get the veil effect from the top, but it doesn't overwhelm the delicateness of the exposed shoulders and neck.
It looks like something I would imagine Audrey Hepburn to wear. And what woman doesn't want to look like Audrey Hepburn?!

All of the hair pictures were taken from The Knot website (see my Serenity Now sidebar).

The gorgeous veils and headpieces are created by a Denver-based bridal milliner named Sara Gabriel. Jennifer, my amazing wedding coordinator, directed me to her site and I absolutely fell in love with everything about it. The jewelery she designs has a vintage delicateness to it; a simple elegance I think every bride would love to have on her wedding day.

That's the look I'm going for, anyway! An Audrey Hepburn, Old Hollywood, vintage glamour...

Now let's just see if I can pull it off!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Dress: Reject Pile

Everyone else, please scroll down.

Thank you for your joining me :)

I'm on a bit of a roll here, especially with The Dress posts.

As per your requests, I present to you some of the dresses that did NOT make the cut.

NOTE: All of these dresses were lovely, but due to specific reasons (detailed below each picture) they were left on the hanger.

I loved the sweetheart neckline and the thick waistband, but the flowers that decorated the mid-section were made of a weird fabric and stuck out awkwardly from the dress.

For the most part I avoided anything mermaid/trumpet/fit & flare.
My curves seemed to look disproportionate to my stumpy legs and long torso.
My sister got me to try on a different dress to the above, all satiny and sparkly, and I just was NOT comfortable in it.

THIS ONE, however, was lovely on me. I felt glamorous and sexy...but it just wasn't "me".
It's not what I envisioned myself wearing on my wedding day.

This one felt all wrong. Something about the way it kind of flared open at the front just below the sequins...plus the waistline looked weird on me.

This one....*sigh*....THIS ONE was the one I tried on and felt like it was "THE ONE".
But because I let a slick saleslady put me in it - even though it was WAAAAAAAY above my budget - I was forced to leave it behind.
The sweetheart neckline, the waistband with the floral detailing (the centre of each had a little sparkly bit!), the endless, flowing chiffon....it was a dream. A dream that had to be CRUSHED.

This one and the one below were two of the first I tried on. And I LOVED both of them!

The one above was so much FUN!! I tried it on and I just started laughing! It was fluffy and flowy, I could imagine myself on a windy day on the steps of Old City Hall, dress fluttering all over the place! It was AWESOME!!
But again, it was a bit out of my league budget-wise. And also, it was a bit "couture"...I worried I'd look back on it in 30 years and wonder, "WHAT was I thinking?!?"
Or worse, if my kids looked at it and laugh. But that will probably happen anyway.

This one was like, TOP of the list...until I found out that a dear friend of mine - Sarah Newman - had selected this EXACT SAME DRESS to wear for her wedding.
As soon as I found that out it was immediately off the list.

So there you have it! There were others, but they were DEFINITELY not worth mentioning. These were the Top 6 before I found it. THE DRESS! Seeing how pretty these ones were, imagine how AWESOME the ACTUAL ONE is going to look! Heeheeee!!


Monday, July 19, 2010

The Dress: Making The Purchase.

I bought my wedding dress yesterday.

It was my third trip out, and this time it was just me, my mom and my sister. No friends, no entourage. Just us.

We found it in a 2nd floor, tiny, stiflingly hot, over-stocked bridal store with an uncomfortably low ceiling and a changing room not much bigger than a small closet, in the north end of Toronto by the highway.

The women working there weren't wearing any rocks on their fingers. They were young - probably in their late 20's - and every sentence spoken to each other was in Portuguese.

It was no muss, no fuss. I tried on 3 before my mother asked if I could try one that was on a mannequin standing in the window overlooking the street.

As soon as I put it on and stepped out from behind the curtain, and saw the way everyone was looking at me, I knew. I just KNEW. I loved it. It was perfect.

My mother's eyes welled up, my sister's eyes welled up, I took a few laps around the tiny room then signed on the dotted line. No muss, no fuss, and WELL within my budget.

And that was that. I had found and bought the dress I am going to get married in. I sent some texts around, joking that I was glad that part of the planning process was over!! I got home, told Nat, got on with my day then eventually it was time for bed.

Then, somewhere between washing my face and brushing my teeth, I burst into tears. I was overcome with emotion. I couldn't control it...I just started sobbing. I had just bought MY WEDDING DRESS!!!

In the blink of an eye on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I had had one of the most important and significant moments of my adult life. Definitely the most important moment I could have as a woman thus far. It's something that you imagine doing your entire life...maybe not all of us, but most of us I bet. I used to put a towel on my head when I was a girl and pretend it was a veil. My mother has pictures of me when I was no older than 5, wearing a floor-length white dress holding a bouquet, pretending to be a bride. She also has a picture of a dress I ripped out of a magazine when I was a teenager, saying to her "this is the dress I want to get married in". You talk about it with girlfriends as you get older, and maybe the image of the dress changes over the years but that feeling, the bubbling excitement that "one day!" it will happen, doesn't change. Until it happens.

I felt like maybe I hadn't let that moment sink in enough. Maybe I hadn't made it special enough. Other than my mother and sister, there weren't any women fawning over me, offering me champagne, bringing me dress after dress, allowing me hours in each in front of the mirror. It wasn't like it is on TV. It was quick and painless, and I felt like it had passed me by without being fully appreciated.

I crawled into bed, face still puffy, nose still runny, poor Nat confused and concerned. I tried to explain, to put into words how I felt. And he told me, "there will be so many moments like that in the coming months, just try to take each one in as much as you can. And remember that it's all leading up to THE big day, a day which will completely trump all of those other moments combined."

Still feeling a bit unsettled, I got out of bed and went to the couch, picked up my phone and quietly called the one person I knew could make me feel better.

"...I bought my wedding dress today, Momma."

Even though she was there in that special moment, I just had to say it again.

The conversation that followed made me feel special and warm and beyond satisfied. It's not that you didn't appreciate the moment. Quite the opposite, actually. It's that you know how unbelievably special and significant it was, that you want to cling onto it for dear life. You don't want it to fade away, you want to hold onto that feeling forever. Yes, you can blink your eyes and a moment has passed. But those who were with you will help you relive it whenever need be.

I know it's a bit rambly....but it's so hard to explain. Everyone who has had a moment like that can hopefully relate to how I'm feeling. It's only been one day and I'm already feeling nostalgic.

Although I'm totally expecting time to stand still when I'm up there, marrying the man I love, I know it will pass by just as quickly as all the others. And once The Big Day comes and goes, I will have dozens of little BIG moments to file away in the memory bank, creating one, lovely, amazing moment.

And not having learned my lesson, I can't freaking wait :)

Friday, July 16, 2010


This gives you an idea of how I typically spend my lunch hour.

Interlude 1: Summer Nights.

What is it about these hazy summer nights, sun is still out but the hot heat of the day is but a feather in the air. That warmth that feels like you're wrapped in a blanket. You can't help but smile, even after a bad day but especially after a few drinks. You feel young again, like before you knew what the real world meant. When summer nights meant new experiences, first dances, first kisses, first loves. There was no future, the future was now. I still feel those hazy summer nights. Do you?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Dress: Part 1

From what I've seen on TV, there is a formula to trying on wedding dresses.

Here is how it goes:

A bride-to-be shows up at a "bridal gown salon" and brings her closest female family and friends with her. This entourage normally consists of the mother, any sisters she has, her entire bridal party and some sorority sisters for good measure. Because apparently you can't have enough opinions when it comes to deciding on your wedding dress.

The saleswoman, a middle-aged woman who wears a big rock on her ring finger (is she married or is it there for show? You never ask and will never know), smiles and shakes everyone's hand. She asks the bride-to-be what her budget is, what she does and does not like, then gets to work pulling slightly worn dresses in crinkly plastic coverings off of racks.

First dress on, bride-to-be steps out in front of the crowd, everyone talks at once. "It looks like cupcake frosting!", "I don't like how it falls at the back!", "waaaaay too poofy!", "I'd like to see it in ivory!", "it would look better with more bling on the top!", and the dreaded, "it makes you look fat!".

On TV, that dress usually looks something like this:

Crestfallen, the bride-to-be retreats to the dressing room with the saleswoman, who comforts her while she steps into dress #2.

Second dress on, similar reaction, a bit more hostile. After all, people have places to be other than watching their "best friend" try on wedding dresses. "You really like that?", "it looks like it's been dragged along the floor!", "you will look back at your pictures in five years and wonder what the hell you were thinking!", "I'd never, EVER wear something like THAT!"

That dress normally looks something like this:

Then, somewhere between dress #2 and dress #1,000, it happens.

The bride-to-be finally finally tries on "The Dress", and just knows. Her face lights up, her friends gasp, then the tears start flowing. Suddenly everyone is clutching each others arms, grabbing for the tissue box. "Oh my Gosh, Mindy...you're a princess!", "Mindy! You're PERFECT in that dress!", "Wow...there are no words, Min. You're a vision!", "THAT'S the dress, Mindy! It's the ONE!". Mindy beams, wipes her tears, spins around and declares, "YES! THIS is my dress!!"

These days, from what I've seen on TV, THE dress looks a little like this:

(I know, I know. I don't know how these dresses are even allowed to be considered "bridal"....but it's all the rage these days. Hideous.)

I have been out twice now looking for The Dress. Both times were semi-successful. They could have been fully-successful, however the saleswoman with the big rock managed to gently urge me into a few that were slightly out of my budget.

Not a good idea.

Because one of those dresses I'm pretty sure was MY "The Dress".

I didn't burst into tears, nor did my sister or 2 girlfriends who accompanied me. I definitely felt flushed and couldn't stop smiling. There was definite beam-age, and maybe a twirl. But since the price was...more...than I had budgeted to pay, I didn't make any declarations about it in front of the saleswoman. I told her I'd have to come back with my mom, took the dress off with a heavy heart, and left the store.

For obvious reasons I am not going to post THE dress on here. In fact, I'm hesitant to post ANY of the dresses I tried on...I don't want Nat to get ANY ideas of what I might be wearing. And in case you were wondering, I have not tried on - nor would I ever consider trying on - any of the above dresses. Not exactly my style.

Now here's another reason why Jennifer (my Wedding Planner) ROCKS! I told her about my plight, and she is going to look into whether or not she can track down The Dress for a better price! She made no promises, but my fingers and toes are crossed!

In the meantime, I am going out for a third time on Saturday to a place that I've heard has nice dresses that are well within my budget. Hopefully there will be something comparable....

...now just for sheer shock value, here is a picture of the most frightening wedding dress I have ever seen in my entire life, that someone's fiancee may or may not have told me he likes. Agree or disagree?

(for the record, he didn't say he liked it. He hasn't yet seen it...so he very well may!)

Monday, July 12, 2010

To Wedding Planner, Or Not To Wedding Planner.

THAT is the question.

Let me explain.

The last 3 months have been spent enjoying our time together, gushing over the engagement story and no doubt driving friends and family a bit crazy with how excited we are and how we can't wait to get married. Barf.

Cute at first, but quickly the questions started: When? Where? How? Bridesmaids? Colours?

...can't we just enjoy this for a bit longer, people? Answer to that: No. Time to get down to business.

First order on the plate was, when would we have the wedding? Would I be a summer bride? Perhaps winter white would suit us best. Fall is so lovely, what with the changing leaves and the chill in the air. Spring has the best flowers, though.

Nat isn't a fan of being overheated in a suit, and I can't even stand the thought of the possibility of snow being on the ground on the happiest day of my life. So immediately Summer and Winter were out. That leaves us with Spring and Fall, 2 very do-able options. Nat grew up in the woods in Northern, Ontario and has an affinity for Fall, and I've always enjoyed the very first couple of weeks where it's still warm enough to go without a jacket, but you can't leave the house without a sweater and a scarf.

We started throwing Octobers out...October 2011 would give us a year and a half of engagement time. We still had a few months before we'd have to start looking for venues and caterers...but it just felt too damn far away. Why wait all that time when we were so excited to get married?? On the flip side, October 2010 was just too soon. There was no way we would be able to get anything organized in time.

So Spring, 2011 was decided upon, with April 23 being the day that just sounded and felt right. That happened a month ago. 10 months and change to plan a wedding. TOTALLY possible for us to plan!

Now. Here's the thing about weddings: it isn't just about ordering some flowers and prime rib. There are LOTS of teeny, tiny details that have to be thought about and paid attention to in order to make the day a success. I can't even begin to give you an example, because I've noticed that when I start thinking about it my eyes squint and I subconsciously shake my head, my mind starts racing and before I know it I haven't slept and missed eating lunch again.

But I have 9 months and change! Surely I should be able to get a grasp on everything! Get yourself together, Conacher! You can DO this....

But wait. Aren't there people out there who plan weddings for a living? Wedding PLANNERS?? No, no....that's not for me, I told myself. I can do this! I am quite capable doing all of the planning myself, thank you very much. I appreciate that others can't because of time constraints, or they're planning a BIG wedding and need help with putting it together on a grand scale. Us? We're just having a small, family and friend event with a few cute little touches here and there. Of COURSE I can make it all happen in 9 months in change! No problem!



Because of the above mentioned physical problems that occur when just thinking about planning the wedding, I have checked my ego at the door and decided to hire a Wedding Planner.

Nat says it will save my sanity. My mother says it will save Nat's sanity. And his life. If I feel this overwhelmed at this stage in the game, imagine how I'd be the few weeks, days or minutes leading up?

Heads. Would. Roll.

I did a bit of research online, and came across a lovely woman named Jennifer who owns a company called Sparkle & Shine Events. We met last week and the references she gave me had nothing but glowing things to say about her, and how she made their day more perfect than every imaginable.

Here are only SOME of the services she is going to provide me with:
  • Detailed budget planning and management
  • Advice and support on post-wedding tasks (ie: name changes, thank you cards, etc.)
  • Customized monthly task calendar
  • Ceremony & Reception site visits
  • Ensure coordination of all design elements (ie: flowers, favours, stationery, etc.)
  • Creative solutions in every area, from décor to logistics
  • Vendor recommendations to suit your individual needs
  • Management of all vendor-related activities
  • Detailed wedding day itinerary, for you and your vendors
  • Guided wedding rehearsal
  • Hosting of your guests to ensure their enjoyment of your wedding day
  • On-site management & coordination of entire event
  • Coordinate gift collection to a secured location
  • Full use of our wedding-emergency kit
  • Decoration set up at Ceremony and Reception*
  • Romantic honeymoon planning*
......you see? You see what SHE is now going to do for us? You SEE all of those things?? Those are only SOME of the things I would have had to handle ALL BY MYSELF! What the eff was I thinking in the first place?! Why doesn't EVERYONE hire a Wedding Planner?! Genius!! Simply genius.

I felt like a failure for 3 seconds before moving forward and recognizing that this is definitely the smartest move.

Now the next 9 months and change doesn't seem too overwhelming. Jennifer is there to hold my hand and get me down that aisle (relatively) stress-free.

Because let's be honest, this is ME we're talking about here.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Let's raise a glass.

Well, hello again.

4 months on, and I'm out of that horrible funk.

I was in a bad place. I was miserable in my job (which I have since quit), I questioned what my future held...then I took a trip and was confronted with the ultimate sentiment of love and commitment.

I'm sure you all know by now, but I'll tell you again anyway: The Captian....El Capitan...Nathaniel Barnes, the lovely country-boy from Pembroke, Ontario, Canada...flew overnight to London ahead of me, surprised me at Borough Market (my favourite place on Earth), got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.

...and I said yes. Bloody hell...I said DAMN, YES!

Ms. Heather was instrumental in the day, pretty much giving Nat all the direction he needed to make it a successful and insanely romantic event. Which is why I've asked her to be one of my Bridesmaids.

I have received some requests from you readers to turn this blog into everything Wedding Planning. And after much radio silence, I have decided to oblige.

It's been 3 months of engaged-bliss, and with having chosen the wedding date - Saturday, April 23, 2011 - comes the start of the planning process.

9 months and change til the big day, and I thought it'd be a breeze to plan! After all, how hard can it be? Get a dress, invite your friends, order some flowers & some prime rib.....then just show up! Bada Bing, Bada Boom!

...I can hear all of you who've been involved in wedding planning laughing out loud.

This is going to be a long 9 months and change, and I have resurrected this blog as a sounding board for all of the highs and lows I am sure to hit as I approach the Big Day.

My wedding day. MY Wedding Day. I am GETTING MARRIED!

...Who woulda thunk it :)

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Waking up.


Is there anybody out there?