Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I'm having serious problems uploading pictures.

It's really freaking me out.

The last thing I need right now is a big huge bill to fix this.


In the meantime, let me introduce you to Lorene.

The Captain is away on business for 10 days, and I am drunk waiting for him to come home. A friend told me to listen to Lorene as a distraction...and I cannot stop listening to her. Especially the song "28". She is awesome.

Now. For those of you who don't know (which I think may be only a few), The Captain has been in my life in a big way for months now.

And I do love him. And because of this, I would like to introduce him properly to you all.

Everyone, please meet Nathaniel Barnes. AKA, Nat.

Nat, please meet all my friends.

All the love in the Universe.

- ME.


Anonymous said...

YAY drunk posting!

more more more!

(ytoull note the increase in my blogging when dave is away.... there is a similar rise in my drinking.)


ps turn off word verification or i will shoot you.

Anonymous said...

dude. a rule of re-starting your blog is that no silence can last longer than a month. tick-tock. xh

Laura said...

Buffy, I rely on you to break this blog drought that I am experiencing. Someone must post on their blog, and I vote that it must be you. Oh yessir, you simply must. I don't mind if it's not photos...just a little word...a smiley face...anything..... oxo Laura. (Or alternately I will just see you at the Polish wedding as we blind the other guests with our super bright dresses.)

Verity Slee said...

Love it Buffy- LOVE your name Nathaniel! One of my all time favourites, well since I fell in love with 6 ft Under! Good work xxxxx