Ah, its always the way Buff! Can;t wait to see your pics......and blog invite has been sent, so we are back in action, Hong Kong-style.
Yes, yes, I want more photos! Especially some of the king of the euros who was our DJ. Was grand to share Poland hilarity with you, hope getting back home wasn't too horrid. oxoxo
Photos cha cha cha! Photos Cha Cha Cha! Welcome home Buffy xxxxx
2 months tick tock.
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Ah, its always the way Buff! Can;t wait to see your pics......and blog invite has been sent, so we are back in action, Hong Kong-style.
Yes, yes, I want more photos! Especially some of the king of the euros who was our DJ. Was grand to share Poland hilarity with you, hope getting back home wasn't too horrid. oxoxo
Photos cha cha cha! Photos Cha Cha Cha! Welcome home Buffy xxxxx
2 months tick tock.
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