Saturday, February 03, 2007

How often do you say it...?

I'm not good with death.

Even when it's the death of someone I barely know.

I work in a restaurant, and I found out at around 9 pm from Nikki (who I work with) that one of our best regulars, a man named Sean, died today.

Sean is in his mid-thirties, is married and has a baby boy.

He was in Mexico with his father on vacation and died tragically of a peanut allergy.

It's hard to wrap my head around it. I saw him not even a week ago across the street. I yelled and waved, and he waved back. He has a huge, wonderful warm smile.

After hearing the news, I couldn't help but immediately think about his wife and son. He was just going on vacation. With his father. For a week.

Did he tell his wife that he loved her? Did he hold his son like it would be the last time?

His whole life he knew of this allergy. His whole life he was careful.

Then one day - in paradise - something goes wrong. How does this happen?

I don't think I've come to grips with this news yet. I've just looked back and seen that I've written about Sean O'Grady in the present tense.

It's a terrible, unimaginable tragedy. Sean was so young and SO full of life (my head's too big for my body...). Yet all I can think about is his young wife and his young son. A son who will now never know his father. A wife who will never get to truly say goodbye.

It's led me to wonder every second for the last few hours: how often do you tell the people in your life how you truly feel? Your best friends - do you tell them you love them? Even if it may sound a bit weird? Your brother or sister? Your parents?

My heart grieves for Sean's family. I will be thinking about them everyday for a very long time. But I know from this tragedy stems the ability for me to tell those people in my life just how I feel about them.

Because you just never know. You never, ever know.

And with that, I will say that I love you all. Every last person who reads this blog, I truly do love you. For caring to read what I have to say, and for loving the people in your lives.

This morning I was worried that it was going to rain in Mexico while I was there.

Such a trivial thing. I almost feel ashamed.

Please, don't be afraid. Life is too short. Love. Live. Now.

Ago Vestri Vita.



Anonymous said...

i love you too buffy.

So does Fred.

(btw - wtf are you doing going to Mexico when it could be sunny London?)

Geordy and Pete said...

love ya buffy.

have a wonderful and safe trip

see you on the other side in blog land... hurry back!
