Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter in The Valley...The Ottawa Valley, that is.

Enjoying the first beer-on-the-balcony day of the season.

He knows what I just said....

Road trip.

Trekking through the gorgeous back-woods, behind the home where The Captain grew up.

Yep. Country boy.

Comfort over fashion.

Unidentifiable animal tracks

Insert "Rocky" theme here.

Breaking the rules.

The Elephant Trunk tree

Unidentifiable animal droppings.
The Captain, poking it with a stick.

Happy....but slightly chilly.

Probably bunny tracks.

Yep, gots me some Hunters.
They be approved by the Queen, don't you know.

Nature's first green is Gold.
The hardest hue to hold.

Did he make it? Did he??


We did not trespass here. It was a very ominous gate.

The Captain stabbed the tree....

...and out came maple syrup!

Nature is yummy.

This will be a glorious pool soon.

B-ball time!

Yep. That's how I do it.

Both above shots went in.

I don't wear heels as often as I should.....

Eganville awesomeness.

Those be "bucks"....coutry-slang for "deer".
This store used to be: A buck or two bucks.
A couple years later, the Captain went back and noticed they had added, "or three bucks".
Now, they have added two more on the end. Making this store the:
A buck or two bucks or five bucks: The Ultimate Discount Store.
No doubt in my mind.
Especially now that I know what they sell....



Geordy and Pete said...

worth the wait.
you are lucky to have lovely holiday.
captian=gorgeous hunk of a man


Geordy and Pete said...

i think they might sell jazz ciggies

Anonymous said...

jazz. definitely jazz.

awesome blogging. looks like easter was lovely.


Beth said...

Actually, they're more likely to be "reserve" cigarettes.
Native Canadians make cigarettes on their reservation, and nicotine addicted white-folk make the trip all the way there to buy bags and bags of them for ridiculously cheap.
This store seems to be selling them on-site, which is very illegal.

I thought jazz ciggies too. That would have made the car-ride home even better!