Thursday, January 01, 2009


I've never been one of those people who is happy to see a year come to an end. Quite the opposite, actually. I always feel a sense of loss, on and during the few days leading up to December 31st. Never was the case more true than last night.

2008 was a great, great year. I spent most of it in London with my second family, and will always remember it fondly with a warm heart.

I have a mildly significant birthday coming up on Saturday, which I'm not particularly looking forward to (never do). Twenty-nine. The last year in my twenties. And even though I'm not looking forward to the actual day, I am really looking forward to the year. I have a feeling that I'm hitting my stride, and that the next 12 months will be just as great, great - if not better - than 2008.

2009 is wide open. And here are some of my "resolutions" for the year ahead:

  • Health. Number one. Be healthy, stay healthy.
  • Stay connected with friends, old and new.
  • Find a creative hobby. I love watching hours and hours of The Food Network after work, but I need something to stimulate my brain.
  • Get my driver's licence.
  • Go out to more local music show...things. Gigs? Is that what they're called? Pretty much, just be cooler.
  • Maintain this blog.
  • Upload all of 30 Rock onto my wicked new ipod. Tina Fey is God.
  • Stop over-analyzing everything. Especially the teeny-tiny intricacies of the male brain.
  • Let go of old ghosts, once and for all. Because damn's just too hard to hold on.

Someone once told me there's only, like, a 3.5% chance of a person sticking to their resolutions.

I like those odds.

Happy New Year, everyone. Love to YOUR mother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love to your mother too buff. welcome back.


(or as Dave now calls me 'Hezbollah')

ps. totally just got da 30rock for xmas. great minds.