Friday, March 27, 2009


I have a lot of hair.

Like...a LOT of hair.

Those who know me, know that I have a lot of hair. Always have. And for the last 6 years, it's been long, and thick, and really, REALLY hard to manage.

I think I kept it as a sort of protective measure, like an armour.

Also, I'm lazy when it comes to my hair. Because I have SO G****** much of it, I needed to figure out a way to manage it.

Which is where "The Bun" came from.

Ah, The Bun. My best hair-friend over the last few years. I would say that 90% of my morning-hair-rituals consisted of getting up, putting hair in bun, leaving house.
Except for those few months in London where I had to struggle with that damned FRINGE (bangs to my Canadian contingent...of two....).

Anyway, blah, blah, blah.

Yesterday, I went to my lovely hairstylist Debra, and said "CUT IT!! CUT IT NOW!! NOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! ALL OF IT DO IT DO IT NOW!!!!".

Being the professional she is, she suggested we take it step by step. Meaning: because I have SO MUCH G****** hair, why don't we take it up a few inches, and "texturize" it.

Texturizing hair: creating volume and layers by using "thinning" scissors on thick, unruly hair.

So as you can see from the picture below post, Deb didn't take off length so much as she took OUT approximately 5 pounds of hair from the insides.

I should have taken a picture to all of the sad, abandoned hair left behind on the cold, dark floor of the salon.

Please notice the mass of hair in the BEFORE picture, followed by the few pictures of my new, awesomely LIGHT, SWINGY hair!!!

ABOVE: BEFORE (from "The 'Ball'")


These pictures were taken by me, as The Captain is ripping it up in Manhattan as I type this.

(I am me, the Universe & U)


Geordy and Pete said...

love it love it

so light and swingy

i empathise- everyone always says "goodness, you have such thick hair... and so much of it too"

looks great mate

ps- thanks for the post

Beth said...

Anytime, lovely : )

I am trying to condense so, so many pictures and stories to create fun-reading blogs for you and our other blogging counterparts.

Much love from rainy, cold Canada!


Geordy and Pete said...

actually you have huge hooters

Beth said...

Push-up water bra.

Geordy and Pete said...

aaaaaah. nice. must get me ones of them.

Geordy and Pete said...

ps- did i see a photo on facebook post hair cut with hair in the famous bun????????


Anonymous said...

water bra? what?

i am currently in lam blog land so therefore not posting or reading much. Have house guests nad currently conducting detailed search for mary popins so no time. SOON though.

BUT. Love the hair. It looks like you have perhaps 1/10 what it used to be. Hopefully it is still bun-able as I like the buffy bun.

Fred says Yo.
