Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"And the Lord said..."

So here I am, 6 months later, sitting in front of my shiny new laptop trying to figure out how to use this effing blog to my advantage. My dear friend Heather Anders suggested to me on her visit those many moons ago that I jump on the bandwagon and "start blogging"!

Which begs the question: what does it mean, "to blog"?

Now, I could go into a long and boring diatribe about blogs and myspace and how they're contributing to the degeneration of human contact/communication as a whole, blah, blah, blah. But I figure that people really don't want to hear Beth rant on about it...again. So I'll keep this short and relatively sweet.

Being a HUGE fan of celebrity gossip sites (,,, etc.), I always thought that blogging was something to do in your downtime, where you'd post unflattering pictures of celebrities without makeup or fighting paparazzi on a cleverly named site. "What a sad and shallow existence these people lead," I'd giggle to myself as I sipped at my over-sized glass of delicious pinot noir.

Then Heather introduced me to her blog ( It was here that I was finally shown the exact meaning of blogging. This site allows me to follow along in her day-to-day life in London, a place that feels a million miles from where I am in Toronto. With her (almost) daily updates on what she's been doing and where she's going and how her baby bump is progressing, I am now finally able keep up with her without bombarding her with emails (which I'm actually quite shit at). It was an amazing moment. Heather was able to show me that blogging isn't just for "outing" former boy-banders or advertising Jessica's new line of hair weaves. It's so friends can stay friends and family can stay connected, despite how many millions of miles apart they may be.

So, that being said, I am now a blogger. Officially. I hereby solemnly swear to keep this blog as up-to-date as possible, as long as I get a little help from my friends....

....and by "help" I mean a little kick in the ass every now and then.

Pictures will come with time. I'm not Bill Gates, and the Great Wall of China wasn't built in a day.

Oh, and I'm not going to personalize my font. This one will do just fine.

Well, I suppose that's it for now. I'm exited to share with you, my friends.

Until next time...

...don't do anything I wouldn't do.

1 comment:

Heather Anders said...

ahhh, see - on the contrary - blogging is ALL about outing boy-banders, I just happen to not know any...