Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wow...I'm a little overwhelmed! I came home from a long night at work and began my usual before bed routine: pour a big-ass glass of wine (still trying to phase out my pinot noir stage), put on my jammies, feed my overweight-but-still-always-hungry cat Billy, turn on my computer and check "my blogs". Elderly ladies have their "stories", I have my blogs. And of course, Heather's is always my first.

Now, I had an idea that she may mention something about me joining blog-land, but I wasn't expecting the build up I was greeted with.

I want you all to know that my life probably isn't half as intriguing as she made it out to be, but damn it...I'm going to try to give you the goods!

On that note...I bought an area rug today.

This may not seem like the most exciting thing EVER, but it's a pretty big step in what I've started to call, "the creation of Me".

In July I moved into my own place. For the first time in my life, I have no one to answer to (except said cat, but that hardly counts really). No roommates, no shared cable bills, no offering to throw someone else's darks in the wash with mine. It's just me. And because it's just me, I have very little to show in my place, except for a couple of couches, a toaster and my bed. When I moved in, I realized that I had previously relied on roommates to fill the necessary voids, specifically being a television and a computer. I had never needed to make these "major" purchases, seeing as how I managed to pick people to live with who already had them on hand. How convenient, I know. Slowly but surely, I bought myself a TV (and a very sweet one, I might add) and most recently a laptop. These things I bought purely because I enjoy being able to watch 90210 reruns and have the whole blog-addiction thing. Not because I wanted to create any sort of home-like atmosphere, but because I felt like I needed them to survive. Fair enough.

Chances are, if you're reading this as a link from Heather's blog, you probably don't know me very well. So here it is. I never thought I'd be "settling down" in one place before the age ot 30. Seriously. I always had grand dreams of travelling the world, dropping one job and flying to Belize on a whim, only to come back to my home base of Toronto and get another job so I could save up and fly to Egypt the next month. You get my point. I never wanted to be attached to any one place for too long, because there is so much more of the world to see! Not that I've ever actually dropped a job and gone on an international adventure, but there's always time! It's really besides the point.

My point is this: buying an area rug for my living room suggests that I will be needing it's plush comfort during the long winter months ahead, and that because I "need" it I won't be leaving here for long periods of time any time soon. It may seem like a stretched rationale, but it's what's been blubbering through my head ever since I signed the credit card receipt.

However, I suppose you could argue that I "settled down" once I got the cat.


(In all fairness, it is getting very cold here very fast. I could see my breath tonight. The cozy rug will be a lovely thing in the morning. I'll take a picture of it when I figure out how to post pictures.)

And there you have it. My day, and my thoughts on my day. I promise the rest of my posts won't be so structured. I had a very indepth conversation with my girlfriends tonight, none of whom have subscribed to the blog thing. They were trying to piece together what exactly I was going to give and get out of it. So I promised to make them major players in all of my stories. Using aliases, of course. They were immediately excited. Doesn't take much.

Kez, you've stepped up to the you must deliver. I'm counting on you! Don't disappoint.

And to my fair and (hopefully still) chaste Hawaiian Queen: I know he looks like a prize, with his rippling muscles and sweet euro vibe. But think about what he'll look like ten years from now. Gravity has a way of getting us all...plastic or not.

P.S. The above pic is of me (far right) and my girlfriends mentioned above. Most tales of debauchery will involve them, whether they like it or not.

1 comment:

p.j.r said...

ok, let's see if this works.....